Sabra M. Janko
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Phone: 719-344-5523
2 N Cascade Ave #1330
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903
Sabra specializes in family law, divorce and legal separation, civil unions, common law marriage, declaration of invalidity/annulment, child custody, paternity, child support, property division and allocation of debt, maintenance, contempt of court, child relocation, protection orders, adoption, prenuptial and postnuptial or marital agreements, guardianships and modification of orders.
Expertise in military family law matters with past experience as a servicemember and a military spouse
Professional ExperienceJanko Family Law Solutions, Managing Attorney and Owner (Denver, CO)
- Negotiate, mediate and litigate domestic relations cases with an emphasis on reaching mutual agreement to stabilize and preserve family relationships
- Provide zealous advocacy in court if mutual agreement is not possible
- Investigate and prepare child and family investigative reports involving families in conflict
Small Business Administration Office of Disaster Assistance (virtual position) (temporary COVID disaster response appointment)
- Resolved disaster loan funding issues to facilitate borrower funding
- Identified and referred fraudulent applications for investigation
Federal Pro Se Clinic Project Attorney & Manager - Colorado Bar Association (Denver, CO)
- Designed and implemented the circa 2018 Federal Pro Se Clinic and
eer program assisting self-represented litigants in the federal court system - Advised 178 self-represented litigants in federal litigation matters conducting 323 consultations primarily in the areas of employment and civil rights matters
- Supervised a Paralegal and two paralegal student interns
Staff Attorney – Legal Services of the Hudson Valley (Poughkeepsie, NY)
- Provided advice, assistance and representation to veterans in family law, disability law, public benefits appeals, housing, social security disability and consumer law
- Regularly achieved successful outcomes for clients such as obtaining the ability to have a companion animal in rental housing, redress for those with disabilities in rental housing through human rights complaints, grandparent visitation rights, imputed income child support awards, and unemployment benefits on appeal
- Conducted program outreach to local nonprofit and veterans organizations
- Presented testimony on veterans legal services to the New York State Assembly Committee on Veterans
Assistant Professor of Law – United States Military Academy (West Point, New York)
- Taught constitutional and criminal law to 55 undergraduate students per semester for five semesters
- Advised a thesis student on a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act topic
Attorney – (domestic and overseas locations)
- Prosecuted criminal cases to include aggravated assault, sexual assault, and financial fraud
- Coordinated with criminal investigators to obtain evidence
- Advised leaders and investigating officers on administrative investigations, adverse administrative actions, medical-legal issues, and the law of war
- Researched and wrote formal legal reviews
- Represented the government at administrative separation and reduction boards
- Advised clients and commanders on legal assistance matters to include family law, consumer law, and consumer law
- Advised on government contracts and employment law
- Conducted depositions
- Supervised attorneys and paralegals
Attorney and Student Intern Recruiter (Rosslyn, VA)
- Managed a law student and internship interview program and budget
- Coordinated 50 attorney recruiters to interview students at American Bar Association-accredited law schools nationwide
- Organized and ran internship and attorney selection boards
- Interviewed law students and wrote reports
Judicial Clerk – District of Columbia Superior Court (Washington, D.C.) (Judge Harold Cushenberry)
- Researched and drafted orders in response to criminal post-judgment motions and assisted with a dependency and neglect docket
- L.L.M - Military Law - The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School
- J.D. - University of Maryland School of Law
- Notes and Comments Editor - Maryland Journal of Healthcare Law and Policy
- American Bar Association Public Service Internship Awardee – Mental and Physical Disability Law Section
- Family Law Pro Se Clinic
- M.P.A. - Public Administration – The University of Oklahoma
- B.A. - Behavioral Science – The University of Maryland
- Colorado Family Law with Forms
- Colorado Lawyer - The Unique Legal Needs of Our Nation's Military Servicemembers and Veterans, co-written with Michael Mckenna and Nicholas Monck (Nov 2022).
- Colorado Lawyer - Pro Bono Support to Communities in Need , co-written with Ric Morgan (Nov 2020).
- Colorado Lawyer - Colorado Lawyers for Colorado Veterans (April 2020)
- The Federal Lawyer - Colorado’s Federal Pro Se Clinic – First Steps (February 2019)
- Faculty of Federal Advocates Newsletter, Colorado’s Federal Pro Se Clinic – First Steps (2018)
- Colorado Lawyer, Colorado’s New Federal Pro Se Clinic (2018)
- Maryland Journal of Healthcare Law and Policy, Diagnostic Evidence Admissibility and the Multiple Personality Disorder Defense (1998)
- Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, The Multiple Personality Disorder Defense (1997)
- American Bar Association Monograph, Criminal Responsibility and Multiple Personality Defendants (1997)
- Licensed to practice law in Colorado
- Mediator (40-hour training certification)
- Child and Family Investigator (40-hour training certification)
- Accredited with the Veteran’s Administration
- Admitted to the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces
- Admitted to the United States Supreme Court
- Colorado Bar Association, Family Law, Solo and Small Firm Section, & Military and Veterans Law Sections
- Colorado Women’s Bar Association
- El Paso County Bar Association
- Title 2023 El Paso County Bar Association Family Law Section Chair
- Chair of the El Paso County Bar Association Family Law Section 2023-2024
- Colorado Bar Association Military and Veterans Section Chair 2022-2023
- Received Colorado Bar Association Volunteer Recognition Award 2023
- Colorado Bar Association Board of Governor's Representative 2022 - 2023
- Colorado Bar Association Military and Veterans Section Vice Chair and Legislative Liaison 2021 - 2022
- Arapahoe County Bar Association Veterans Legal Clinic - Lead attorney and coordinator
- El Paso County Bar Association Family Law Section Continuing Legal Education Program, Limited Scope Representation (February 16, 2021)
- Federal Bar Association Chapter for the Districts of Kansas and Western Missouri Continuing Legal Education Program, co-presented Limited Scope Representation in Federal Court with Colorado Federal District Court Legal Services Officer, Ed Butler
- Colorado Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Program, presented Limited Scope Representation and Veterans Legal Clinics (April 20, 2020)
- The Council of Jewish Women – Denver Chapter, presented Veterans Legal Challenges and Issues (November 14, 2019)
- The Denver Public Library and the Lowry Foundation, presented The Fire – Successes and Challenges of Our Nation’s Military Women (May 18, 2019)
- The Aurora History Museum, presented The Fire - Successes and Challenges of Women in the Military (October 16, 2018)
- The Colorado Bar Association Military and Veterans Law Section, presented Salute To Military Women - Successes and Challenges of Women in the Military (May 29, 2018)
- The Seattle Museum of Flight, presented Firsts: Achievements of Women in the Military (December 2, 2017)
- Holland & Hart – Moderated a Panel Continuing Legal Education Program on Cultural Competency in Pro Bono Legal Representation (September 2017)